• Torrance C. Wong

    Senior Architect

    Registered Architect, NCARB

    Auburn University

    I was born in Houston and went to Auburn University where I enrolled in the Rome study abroad, Rural Studio, and Urban Studio programs. After graduating, I moved to Atlanta and became licensed in 2020. I am an avid outdoorsman. I bike to our office everyday (15 miles round-trip) on one of my three bikes and enjoy 50+ mile rides on the weekends. When not on a bike, I spend a lot of time on the Chattahoochee River fishing from my kayak. If my wife insists on me to stay home, I enjoy large-scale home projects. Past projects include: 15' tall deck stairs, masonry retaining walls, bamboo pergola, entrance arbor, a new deck, driveway gate, HVAC improvements, electrical upgrades, and concrete slab work. My coworkers' favorite hobby of mine is smoking brisket in my offset smoker to share with the office.